Archidex 2023: New Product Launch!
3 weeks ago, Benithem participated in the annual International Architecture, Interior Design & Building Exhibition event, ARCHIDEX 2023. We had a blast! For those who didn't managed to attend the event, you have just missed out on our latest product launch :( But don't worry, we will share the details with you in this article! We have quite a few new products, but here we will share with you some of our favourites: Loop Chair The Loop Chair is a stunning new design that was unveiled at Archidex 2023. Designed by Ballendat, the chair is a perfect blend of comfort and style. The Loop Chair's unique looping design provides incredible support and comfort, while its sleek lines and minimalist aesthetic make it a stylish addition to any home or office. Chair base colours are available in black and white. Duo Block Chair The Duo Block Chair is an Internationally acclaimed multi-purpose chair designed by Martin Ballendat. The chair is a perfect blend of comfort, style, and fun...